The Discovery Series

The church in Africa is growing rapidly. Because of this growth, however, there are not enough leaders trained to pastor all these new churches. At the same time, there are still 867 unreached people groups in sub-Saharan Africa. If the growth of the church is to be sustained and nurtured, and if the millions of Africans who are still lost are to be reached, then it is critical that substantially more African men and women be trained for gospel ministry.

To help meet this need, Africa’s Hope has developed the Discovery Series, a three-year curriculum for Bible schools and extension training sites across Africa to train pastors, church planters, and cross-cultural missionaries. Thousands of students are currently studying in programs using the Discovery Series. Our goal is to translate this vital resource into the most widely spoken languages of the continent so that many more emerging leaders can be equipped to fulfill God’s call to preach the gospel and make disciples. We truly believe that Spirit-empowered, biblically trained leaders are the hope of Africa!

Story Overview

Aboudou Dossēh's compelling journey illustrates the profound impact of the Discovery Series, a transformative curriculum developed by Africa's Hope. His story, marked by a shift from animism to ministry and successful church planting among the Gangam people, exemplifies how this curriculum equips individuals to overcome challenges and bring the light of the gospel to spiritually dark places.

Aboudou's experience is not isolated; it mirrors a broader narrative across the continent of Africa, where the Discovery Series is empowering countless individuals like him. As more stories unfold, a pattern emerges. The curriculum's tailored approach addresses needs specific to the African context and is fostering a new generation of Spirit-empowered, biblically trained leaders who are bringing hope to every corner of Africa. Through these leaders we are believing that there will be a healthy church within walking distance of every African.

View the map to see the various areas where Aboudou was trained and a part of ministry.

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The Process of Development

In 1988 national churches across Africa gathered to cast a vision for the future of the church so the gospel would be spread. Their goal was to take the church from 2 million adherents to over 15 million. In order to meet this need the African church in partnership with AGWM, recognized the need to train more pastors.

Shortly after this John York, founder of Africa's Hope, decided that AGWM needed to provide African Bible schools with theologically sound curriculum to equip them to spread the gospel. Thus the Discovery Series was born.

The process of developing a book follows this structure. A need is found for training in specific area. An author with experience in the African context is found to develop a book. After the book is written, it is edited by our experienced team. Typesetters then format the content into book format. The book is then sent through a final edit and approved for use.  

Finally, the book is sent in PDF form to Bible schools across the continent to be printed in print-on-demand systems. For bible schools without those systems the book is printed and shipped to their locations along with other necessary equipment needed after funds are raised to cover cost associated with shipping and distribution.

The Books in the Discovery Series Curriculum

View the various books in the Discovery Series below and the languages they are being translated in

In Progress
Not Begun
















Preparing To Learn

Foundations of Leadership

Biblical Principles of Marriage

Leading Christian Organizations

A History of the church in Africa

Principles of Teaching

*Expository Preaching

Principles of Counseling

Transformational Development and the Church

Muslim Ministry in the African Context

A Biblical Theology of Worship

Children's Ministry

*Contemporary African Ministry

*From the Crescent to the Cross

NEw Testament Survey

The Life of Christ in the synoptic gospels


Corinthian Letters

General Epistles

Pastoral Epistles

New Testament Backgrounds

Old Testament Survey


Old Testament Historical Books

*The Poetic books

MinoR Prophets

Bible Doctrines


Power Ministry

The Kingdom of God

Abundant Life in the son

A Biblical Theology of Missions


Advanced Hermeneutics

*newly released book

Updated in April 2024

See where the Discovery Series is making an impact!

105 Residential Schools             275+ Extension Sites              25,000+ Students

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Discovery Series

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