Technology can significantly enhance training efforts at African Bible schools. Africa’s Hope is dedicated to seeing every partnering Bible school be equipped to train and grow by empowering them with the technology they need. This includes tools such as the following:
The OASIS student record keeping system.
The Africa’s Hope Library Box, a microcomputer loaded with robust library management software.
E-Quip tablets, which provide trainers with a library of training and research materials.
The AudioDisciple, a portable, solar-powered device loaded with discipleship materials.
Computer labs for residential Bible schools.

OASIS student record keeping system
The OASIS student record keeping system enables Bible schools to maintain a total record of student activity, including course enrollment, grades, and transcripts. It allows Bible schools to track every student record from enrollment to graduation and beyond.
Africa’s Hope Library Box
The Africa’s Hope Library Box, a microcomputer loaded with robust library management software, enables Bible schools to quickly catalog and monitor the circulation of their library resources.
E-Quip tablets
Designed to equip trainers, E-Quip tablets provide a library of training and research materials in digital format for easy access and portability.
Audio Disciple
The AudioDisciple is a portable, solar-powered audio device that is designed to help disciple those who cannot read, the visually impaired, and those from oral cultures with low literacy rates.
Africa's Hope App
The Africa’s Hope app has been developed to provide resources to disciple believers and equip Bible school leaders and students.
Computer Labs
Computer labs are an essential part of training students to make their churches technologically literate. By providing schools with computer labs, students have access to even more resources which adds a whole new facet to theological training.