Translation Initiatives

Across the African continent, there are countless men and women who are yearning to take the next step. For some, this is a desire to pursue biblical ministry training so that they can be equipped to more effectively answer God’s call to preach the gospel, plant churches, and make disciples. For others, it is a longing to study God’s Word and be discipled. The tragic reality is that few—if any—biblical training and discipleship resources exist in their heart language.

An African church leader once pled with us, “I pray in my heart language, and God speaks to me in my heart language. The lost are all around us, so please equip us to reach them in our heart language.” This is why Africa’s Hope is passionate about translating our training and discipleship resources into the major languages of the continent. Translations into many heart languages are already in process, and new languages are being added on a regular basis.

Story Overview

Arlete’s journey is a testament to resilience, faith, and dedication. Growing up in Angola, her early years were filled with love and teachings of Jesus, thanks to her father. However, the civil war took her parents, leaving her to raise her brother on the streets. At 17, she married a man who shared her faith, and together they started a church near Huambo.

Despite societal norms, Arlete pursued her calling to teach women and children by at attending Bible school each. She utilized the “Living the Truth” series, eventually feeling a call to return to her village and start a church. Facing the challenge of lacking materials in Umbundu, Arlete took it upon herself to translate and write tirelessly. Her efforts not only spread the gospel but also empowered others to do the same.

Arlete's Story embodies the mission of Africa’s Hope – to bring hope to the hopeless in their heart language, ensuring the word of God reaches every corner of Angola.

View the map to see the various areas where Arlete's ministry took place.


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Translation Initiatives

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