Training Seminars

Ten years ago, most diploma-level training in Africa was done without textbooks, dependent only on lectures. Since that time, Africa’s Hope has produced some remarkable tools and texts for training African pastors, and as a result, training efforts on the continent have begun to change dramatically.

To see the adoption and effective integration of these materials, the Africa’s Hope team conducts national and regional training seminars around the continent. These involve intensive weeklong trainings on the curriculum and software Africa’s Hope provides, along with hands-on workshops about pedagogy and school administration. The positive response to this vital training has been overwhelming.

Through these seminars and the resources we produce, our goal for the hundreds of Bible schools and extension training sites that we serve is (1) that each would have trained staff, faculty, and administrators who can provide transformational learning, and (2) that every student would have the benefit of theologically sound textbooks and training materials.

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Training Seminars

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